SMASH Monsters Wiki

Eelectricus are Support type monsters that have the ability to rewind turret attack timers and fast forward your teams.


Rarity Rare
Class Support
Research Material Eel's Hook

Df researchtoken eel@2x

Building Material Attack Slab

Df researchtoken bldg bullet title@2x

Speed 10
Element Rating Poison Icon = Fire Icon = Ice Icon
Master of time and electricity



Eelectricus are Eels incased in what appears to be a reversed ROV Mini Sub Armour, Keeping water in as opposed to out, with each visual change the Eels Armour becomes more technical.

Keep it or Flip it[]

This section on every species is based around, platinum rolls, and legendary keepers. Flipping, is the process of 5 starring a PLATINUM Monster, or on the rare occasions, a Legendary and selling them for maximum profit.

Fire Eel
Ice Eel
Poison Eel


Sum Up

  • Attack Reduction
  • Heal
  • Speed up Monsters
  • Rewind Turrets
  • Chance to Attack again
  • Defence Reduction
  • Heal
  • Speed up Monsters
  • Rewind Turrets
  • Chance to Attack again
  • Turret Slow
  • Heal
  • Speed up Monsters
  • Rewind Turrets
  • Chance to Attack again


All Eels are Favoured by the community


Recommend Legging Leg Star2 For Maximum Materials, Due to Eels Rarity

The Eel overall is one of the best monsters in the game (In my opinion) Purely for the fact that all colours are useful, Red Provides a Damage Reduction, Blue, a Shield Reduction and Green a slow for their 2nd ability, their 3rd ability are variations of percentage chance to gain attack timer back on your monsters. Their rewind attack ability (2nd) is a valuable tool, no matter the Eels level and can generally work aside most monsters.

In my opinion if your searching for an eel keep the first one you get, unless your tailoring an eel to a team, then flip, Recommended legging then flipping (for maximum materials) any unwanted till you have the right amount of materials to complete their species upgrades in labs.

Tip:- Green Eel is favoured because of its Slow, but remember this will override a Green Craggs Slow.

Ice Icon Ice Eelectricus[]

MegaWatt Eel
GigaWatt Eel
TeraWatt Eel

MegaWatt Eel

GigaWatt Eel

TeraWatt Eel

MegaWatt Eel
GigaWatt Eel
TeraWatt Eel

Gold Blue Eelectricus - Megawatt Eelectricus
Gold Abilities Rare StarRare StarRare StarRare StarRare Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability blue electrify@2x Electrify Blasts forward in a line with a 20% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability teleforce rewind@2x Teleforce Rewind Electrifies a line for 130% damage + Reduces enemy laser defence by 30%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 30%.
Df ability defibrillation@2x Defibrillation All monsters replenish 35% MAX HP for 2 Turns + Each monster has a 50% Chance to gain 50% of Their attack timer (Reusable in 5 Turns).
Platinum Blue Eelectricus - Gigawatt Eelectricus
Plat Abilities Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability blue electrify@2x Dark Electrify Blasts forward in a line with a 30% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability teleforce rewind@2x Dark Teleforce Rewind Electrifies a line for 140% damage + Reduces enemy laser defence by 45%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 40%.
Df ability defibrillation@2x Dark Defibrillation All monsters replenish 40% MAX HP for 2 Turns + Each monster has a 55% Chance to gain 50% of Their attack timer (Reusable in 5 Turns).
Legendary Blue Eelectricus - Terawatt Eelectricus
Legend Abilities Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2
Pic Attack Details
Df ability blue electrify p@2x Dark Electrify II Blasts forward in a line with a 35% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability teleforce rewind p@2x Dark Teleforce Rewind II Electrifies a line for 150% damage + Reduces enemy laser defence by 60%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 50%.
Df ability defibrillation p@2x Dark Defibrillation II All monsters replenish 50% MAX HP for 2 Turns + Each monster has a 65% Chance to gain 50% of Their attack timer (Reusable in 5 Turns).

Watch the Blue EEL In action Thanks to Plotscheck



Plotscheck: Blue Eelectricus in ACTION!

Fire IconFire Eelectricus[]

Megavolt Eelectricus
Gigavolt Eelectricus
Teravolt Eelectricus

Megavolt Eelectricus

Gigavolt Eelectricus

Teravolt Eelectricus

Megavolt Eelectricus
Gigavolt Eelectricus
Teravolt Eelectricus

Gold Red Eelectricus - Megavolt Eelectricus
Gold Abilities Rare StarRare StarRare StarRare StarRare Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability red electrify@2x Electrify Blasts forward in a line with a 20% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability static delay@2x Static Delay Electrifies a line for 130% damage + Reduces enemy laser attack by 30%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 30%.
Df ability electro shock therapy@2x Electro Shock Therapy All monsters replenish 25% MAX HP for 2 Turns + Each monster has a 25% chance to attack again immediately (Reusable in 5 Turns).
Platinum Red Eelectricus - Gigavolt Eelectricus
Plat Abilities Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability red electrify@2x Dark Electrify Blasts forward in a line with a 30% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability static delay@2x Dark Static Delay Electrifies a line for 140% damage + Reduces enemy laser attack by 45%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 40%.
Df ability electro shock therapy@2x Dark Electro Shock Therapy All monsters replenish 35% MAX HP for 2 Turns + Each monster has a 30% chance to attack again immediately (Reusable in 5 Turns).
Legendary Red Eelectricus - Teravolt Eelectricus
Legend Abilities Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2
Pic Attack Details
Df ability red electrify p@2x Dark Electrify II Blasts forward in a line with a 35% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability static delay p@2x Dark Static Delay II Electrifies a line for 150% damage + Reduces enemy laser attack by 60%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 50%.
Df ability electro shock therapy p@2x Dark Electro Shock Therapy II All monsters replenish 40% MAX HP for 2 Turns + Each monster has a 40% chance to attack again immediately (Reusable in 5 Turns).

Poison IconPoison Eelectricus[]

Megajoule Eelectricus
Gigajoule Eelectricus
Terajoule Eelectricus

Megajoule Eelectricus

Gigajoule Eelectricus

Terajoule Eelectricus

Megajoule Eelectricus
Gigajoule Eelectricus
Terajoule Eelectricus

Gold Green Eelectricus - Megajoule Eelectricus
Gold Abilities Rare StarRare StarRare StarRare StarRare Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability green electrify@2x Electrify Blasts forward in a line with a 20% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability praise to chronos@2x Praise to Chronos Electrifies a line for 130% damage + Slows enemy lasers by 15%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 30%.
Df ability electrical recharge@2x Electrical Recharge All monsters replenish 30% MAX HP for 3 Turns + Each monster has a 75% Chance to gain 25% of Their attack timer (Reusable in 5 Turns).
Platinum Green Eelectricus - Gigajoule Eelectricus
Plat Abilities Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability green electrify@2x Dark Electrify Blasts forward in a line with a 30% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability praise to chronos@2x Dark Praise to Chronos Electrifies a line for 140% damage + Slows enemy lasers by 25%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 40%.
Df ability electrical recharge@2x Dark Electrical Recharge All monsters replenish 35% MAX HP for 3 Turns + Each monster has a 80% Chance to gain 25% of Their attack timer (Reusable in 5 Turns).
Legendary Green Eelectricus - Terajoule Eelectricus
Legend Abilities Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2
Pic Attack Details
Df ability green electrify p@2x Dark Electrify II Blasts forward in a line with a 30% chance to attack again immediately.
Df ability praise to chronos p@2x Dark Praise to Chronos II Electrifies a line for 150% damage + Slows enemy lasers by 30%. Damaged lasers' attack timers are rewound by 50%.
Df ability electrical recharge p@2x Dark Electrical Recharge II All monsters replenish 40% MAX HP for 3 Turns + Each monster has a 90% Chance to gain 25% of Their attack timer (Reusable in 5 Turns).

Watch the Green EEL In action Thanks to Plotscheck



Plotscheck: Watch the Green Eelectricus in ACTION!

Eelectricus Lab Work[]

Lab's are essential to give your monsters the power to take down even the most trickeist of deffenses, and can be the diffrence to a win and a loose, Health Bonus, Attack Bonus, Nukes With Extra Critical? Supports with Resetable Abilities? Tanks Taking Half Damgage? All thanks to Labs! 

Df researchtoken eel@2x

Eel Hook - Lab Research Material

Df researchtoken bldg bullet title@2x

Attack Slab - Lab Research Material

Ways of attaining Research Material

  • Selling Monsters
  • Species Platinum Experiments
  • Occasionally during Events, League Rewards
  • Occasionally During Events, Faction Missions

When an eel is sold, regardless of its level, you receive Research Material EEL's HOOK, Which are for Eel species Upgrades, and attack slab, which is for District Upgrades, as well as Dark Matter Home Screen DM Amounts Vary Depending on the level of the Monster Sold.

Eels Are Rare, which means so is their material, think twice if your going to keep an additonal Eel if you have not maxed your Lab work, the sooner you max it, the stronger your Eel will be, and then the sooner you can collect!

pic name upgrade
Df researchtype hp@2x Toughened 10%-40% Max HP.
Df researchtype atk@2x Ferocious 10%-40% Attack Damage.
Df researchtype xp@2x Adept Growth 2%-4% XP Earned.
Df researchtype shield@2x Hardened 2.5%-10% Defence Vs. All Damage
Df researchtype reset@2x Reboot 5% - 20% Chance to reset abilities.
Df researchtype cooldown@2x Adept Raider 15-30min Raid cooldown reduction.

Head over to Labs: Research for cost and time information, as well as all other lab upgrades.

Eelectricus Mutagens[]


Mutagens Grant a Passive ability in battle when mutated to a monster, 5 Star DNA is required to to be used as a transform ingredient.

Every Monster has an ultra monster mutagen available in a lucky roll of the Mutagen Creator for 50Element X. Second mutagens have been released during but where only available for a set period of an event (Generally 2 weeks) unless you acquired one during the event you will have to wait until SMASH releases them again, this has been confirmed it will happen, just not when.

Platinum Ultra Blue Eel
Legendary Ultra Green Eel
Platinum Red Holiday Eel
Legendary Green Holiday Eel

Platinum Ultra Blue Eel

Legendary Ultra Green Eel

Platinum Red Holiday Eel

Legendary Green Holiday Eel

Platinum Ultra Blue Eel
Legendary Ultra Green Eel
Platinum Red Holiday Eel
Legendary Green Holiday Eel

  • Ultra Mutage: 10% Extra Medals Rewarded During a Battle.
  • Holiday Mutagen: 20% Attack Bonus.


DNA is what is required to be collected before your able to mutate a monster, you will need 1 Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star DNA, a Platinum or Legendary Monster and the Mutagen.

Eel DNA is a Rare reward from experiments, so I will recommend not selling and keeping any Eel DNA rewarded, Until you have 1 Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star DNA Capsule in your collection, and even so after that.

Head over to DNA Guide for more information on prices & Usage.

