SMASH Monsters Wiki

Rarity Rare
Class Nuke
Research Material Bubbles Bulb

Df researchtoken bubbles@2x

Building Material Attack Slab

Df researchtoken bldg bullet title@2x

Speed 12
Element Rating Fire Icon > Poison Icon > Ice Icon
Explosive Direct Damage


Bubbles are a Nuke Monster, they deal amazing damage, but self sabotage the team, with the right Monsters a Bubbles can whipe a whole district without a scratch!

Blue Bubbles has a unique Monster stun, while the Monster is not an often used monster due to this, the stunned Monsters are pretty fun to see!


Bubbles appearance is based of an Anglerfish With a cannon strapped to its back, as Bubbles level up They Grow darker in colour, their cannon gets bigger, and they attain a Cybotic look to its armour!

Keep it or Flip it[]

This section on every species is based around, platinum rolls, and legendary keepers. Flipping, is the process of 5 starring a PLATINUM Monster, or on the rare occasions, a Legendary and selling them for maximum profit.

Fire Bubbles
Ice Bubbles
Poison Bubbles


Sum Up

  • Self Shield, 2 Turn
  • Very High Damage
  • Attack twice on one turn
  • Team HP Drain, 1 Turn
  • Self Shield, 2 Turn
  • Turret Slow
  • Very High Damage
  • Team Stun, 1 Turn
  • Self Shield, 2 Turn
  • DOT, 2 Turn
  • Self Heal
  • Very High Damage
  • Reduces Teams Shield


The Community favour the Red Bubbles over the Green & Blue.


Recommend Legging Leg Star2 For Maximum Materials, Due to Bubbles Rarity.

Bubbles are great for high damage, but because of the damage or impact caused to the team most players will not choose to use them, the minimal impact would be the health damage from the Red Bubbles, Missing a turn due to a blue bubbles stun leaves a team very open, as does a shield reduction from a green bubbles.

Bubbles are another rarer roll, personally i would only keep a Red bubbles for MOTD, and flip any other colours or doubles i get.

Ice Icon Ice Bubbles[]

Sea Lion Bubbles
Sea Wolf Bubbles
Sea Dragon Bubbles

Sea Lion Bubbles

Sea Wolf Bubbles

Sea Dragon Bubbles

Sea Lion Bubbles
Sea Wolf Bubbles
Sea Dragon Bubbles

Gold Blue Bubbles - Sea Lion Bubbles
Gold Abilities Rare StarRare StarRare StarRare StarRare Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability blue torrent lunge@2x Torrential Thrust Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 30% for 2 Turns.
Df ability bubblecanon@2x Bubble Cannon Attacks in a line for 125% Damage + Slows enemy lasers by 20%. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 130% if destroyed this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability there are only bubbles@2x There are only Bubbles Deals 200% damage to all buildings. Stuns Team for 1 Turn (Reusable in 4 Turns).
Platinum Blue Bubbles - Sea Wolf Bubbles
Plat Abilities Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability blue torrent lunge@2x Dark Torrential Thrust Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 40% for 2 Turns.
Df ability bubblecanon@2x Dark Bubble Cannon Attacks in a line for 135% Damage + Slows enemy lasers by 30%. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 140% if destroyed this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability there are only bubbles@2x Dark There are only Bubbles Deals 230% damage to all buildings. Stuns Team for 1 Turn (Reusable in 4 Turns).
Legendary Blue Bubbles - Sea Dragon Bubbles
Legend Abilities Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2
Pic Attack Details
Df ability blue torrent lunge p@2x Dark Torrential Thrust II Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 45% for 2 Turns.
Df ability bubblecanon p@2x Dark Bubble Cannon II Attacks in a line for 145% Damage + Slows enemy lasers by 35%. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 150% if destroyed this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability there are only bubbles p@2x Dark There are only Bubbles II Deals 260% damage to all buildings. Stuns Team for 1 Turn (Reusable in 4 Turns).

Watch the Blue Bubbles In action Thanks to Plotscheck



Plotscheck: Blue Bubbles in ACTION!

Fire IconFire Bubbles[]

Sawfish Bubbles
Blackfish Bubbles
Steelhead Bubbles

Sawfish Bubbles

Blackfish Bubbles

Steelhead Bubbles

Sawfish Bubbles
Blackfish Bubbles
Steelhead Bubbles

Gold Red Bubbles - Sawfish Bubbles
Gold Abilities Rare StarRare StarRare StarRare StarRare Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability red torrent lunge@2x Torrential Thrust Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 30% for 2 Turns.
Df ability bubbles bubbles@2x Bubbles? Bubbles! Attacks in a line for 140% Damage. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 130% if destroyed on this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability hymn of bubbles@2x Hymn Of Bubbles 195% Damage to all buildings + Bubbles attacks again immediately. 20% MAX HP is drained from team (Reusable in 4 Turns).
Platinum Red Bubbles - Blackfish Bubbles
Plat Abilities Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability red torrent lunge@2x Dark Torrential Thrust Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 40% for 2 Turns.
Df ability bubbles bubbles@2x Dark Bubbles? Bubbles! Attacks in a line for 160% Damage. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 140% if destroyed on this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability hymn of bubbles@2x Dark Hymn Of Bubbles 215% Damage to all buildings + Bubbles attacks again immediately. 25% MAX HP is drained from team (Reusable in 4 Turns).
Legendary Red Bubbles - Steelhead Bubbles
Legend Abilities Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2
Pic Attack Details
Df ability red torrent lunge p@2x Dark Torrential Thrust II Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 45% for 2 Turns.
Df ability bubbles bubbles p@2x Dark Bubbles? Bubbles! II Attacks in a line for 175% Damage. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 150% if destroyed on this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability hymn of bubbles p@2x Dark Hymn Of Bubbles II 240% Damage to all buildings + Bubbles attacks again immediately. 30% MAX HP is drained from team (Reusable in 4 Turns).

Watch the Red Bubbles In action Thanks to Plotscheck



Plotscheck: Red Bubbles in ACTION!

Poison IconPoison Bubbles[]

Thornback Bubbles
Razorback Bubbles
Viper Bubbles

Thornback Bubbles

Razorback Bubbles

Viper Bubbles

Thornback Bubbles
Razorback Bubbles
Viper Bubbles

Gold Green Bubbles - Thornback Bubbles
Gold Abilities Rare StarRare StarRare StarRare StarRare Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability green torrent lunge@2x Torrential Thrust Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 30% for 2 Turns.
Df ability ballistic bubble blast@2x Ballistic Bubbles Blast Attacks in a line for 120% Damage + Inflicts 10% MAX BUILDING HP over 2 Turns. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 130% if destroyed this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability manic madness@2x Manic Madness Deals 160% damage to all buildings + Regenerates 40% Max HP. Team Defence decreases by 40% (Reusable in 4 Turns).
Platinum Green Bubbles - Razorback Bubbles
Plat Abilities Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star
Pic Attack Details
Df ability green torrent lunge@2x Dark Torrential Thrust Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 40% for 2 Turns.
Df ability ballistic bubble blast@2x Dark Ballistic Bubbles Blast Attacks in a line for 130% Damage + Inflicts 15% MAX BUILDING HP over 2 Turns. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 140% if destroyed this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability manic madness@2x Dark Manic Madness Deals 180% damage to all buildings + Regenerates 50% Max HP. Team Defence decreases by 45% (Reusable in 4 Turns).
Legendary Green Bubbles - Viper Bubbles
Legend Abilities Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2Leg Star2
Pic Attack Details
Df ability green torrent lunge p@2x Dark Torrential Thrust II Blasts in a line and generates a shield for 45% for 2 Turns.
Df ability ballistic bubble blast p@2x Dark Ballistic Bubbles Blast II Attacks in a line for 140% Damage + Inflicts 20% MAX BUILDING HP over 2 Turns. Affected buildings' chain bonus increased by 150% if destroyed this turn (Reusable in 2 Turns).
Df ability ballistic bubble blast p@2x Dark Manic Madness II Deals 200% damage to all buildings + Regenerates 60% Max HP. Team Defence decreases by 50% (Reusable in 4 Turns).

Bubbles Lab Work[]


Lab's are essential to give your monsters the power to take down even the most trickeist of deffenses, and can be the diffrence to a win and a loose, Health Bonus, Attack Bonus, Nukes With Extra Critical? Supports with Resetable Abilities? Tanks Taking Half Damgage? All thanks to Labs! 

Df researchtoken bubbles@2x

Bubbles Bulb - Lab Research Material

Df researchtoken bldg bullet title@2x

Attack Slab - Lab Research Material

Ways of attaining Research Material

  • Selling Monsters
  • Species Platinum Experiments
  • Occasionally during Events, League Rewards
  • Occasionally During Events, Faction Missions

When an Bubbles is sold, regardless of its level, you receive Research Material Bubbles Bulb, Which are for Bubbles species Upgrades, and attack slab, which is for District Upgrades, as well as Dark Matter Home Screen DM Amounts Vary Depending on the level of the Monster Sold.

Bubbles Are Rare, which means so is their material, so acquiring the 13,720 Bits of Research Material should be a little bit difficult, but keep flipping your spare bubbles, and you will get there!

pic name upgrade
Df researchtype hp@2x Toughened 10%-40% Max HP.
Df researchtype atk@2x Ferocious 10%-40% Attack Damage.
Df researchtype xp@2x Adept Growth 2%-4% XP Earned.
Df researchtype dodge@2x Dodge 2.5%-10% Chance to avoid damage.
Df researchtype critdamage@2x Brutal Strike 2.5%-10% Critical Damage
Df researchtype cooldown@2x Adept Raider 15-30min Raid cooldown reduction.

Head over to Labs: Research for cost and time information, as well as all other lab upgrades.

Bubbles Mutagens[]


Mutagens Grant a Passive ability in battle when mutated to a monster, 5 Star DNA is required to to be used as a transform ingredient.

Every Monster has an ultra monster mutagen available in a lucky roll of the Mutagen Creator for 50Element X. Second mutagens have been released during but where only available for a set period of an event (Generally 2 weeks) unless you acquired one during the event you will have to wait until SMASH releases them again, this has been confirmed it will happen, just not when.

Platinum Ultra Blue Bubbles
Legendary Ultra Green Bubbles
Platinum Red Holiday Bubbles
Legendary Green Holiday Bubbles

Platinum Ultra Blue Bubbles

Legendary Ultra Green Bubbles

Platinum Red Holiday Bubbles

Legendary Green Holiday Bubbles

Platinum Ultra Blue Bubbles
Legendary Ultra Green Bubbles
Platinum Red Holiday Bubbles
Legendary Green Holiday Bubbles

  • Ultra Mutage: 10% Extra Medals Rewarded During a Battle.
  • Holiday Mutagen: 20% Attack Bonus.


DNA is what is required to be collected before your able to mutate a monster, you will need 1 Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star DNA, a Platinum or Legendary Monster and the Mutagen.

Bubbles DNA is a Rare reward from experiments, so I will recommend not selling and keeping any Bubbles DNA rewarded, Until you have 1 Platinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum StarPlatinum Star DNA Capsule in your collection, and even so after that.

Head over to DNA Guide for more information on prices & Usage.

